Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Beauty dripping up

Sunny was ready for an adventure today. It took me a long time to get away from the computer but finally I made the break.

Waving grasses and sailing clouds.

The pine at the top of the hill, near our sitting spot.

Another highlight, underfoot.

A wild iris, getting ready to open.

An open iris.

More waving plants and a poem of a dog.

Two more poems, waiting to be read.

Patrik was trying to show me just where he wanted some scratching and other body work but I wasn't getting it quite right. So he decided to walk me over to the tree where he could demonstrate. I made some mental notes and will try again later.

More beauty dripping up from the earth.

I realize more and more how I keep the horses in a thought-box of "not so intelligent" by doing things such as repeating requests over and over rather than realizing that they heard me the first time and if they aren't responding it's not because they're dumb, it's probably because they don't see the point in doing it. For example, when Patrik knows food is involved or something that makes sense to him, he is very quick to respond in an enthusiastic way. My task is to understand what makes sense to the horses and learn to play within that paradigm.

1 comment:

  1. I love your photos recording your journeys through your beautiful landscape. I can really relate to horses not seeing the point: when my cob, Ben, sees the point of something, he does it with such purpose and focus, which contrasts so much to how he is if he does not: quite switched off.

